Principles of Economics (Honors)
REVISED: 26Apr2019
Get acquainted with Economics by perusing this page overall, but here are some summer ideas/suggestions. Check back as this will be updated periodically.
EconTalk (articles and podcasts)
Freakonomics Radio (articles and podcasts)
Naked Money (book)
Make Me Smart (podcasts)
Slate Money (podcasts)
Planet Money and The Indicator (NPR)
You should access these for EVERY chapter to augment the text, Study Guide, and class discussion, adding to your notes as you go; your text is a STARTING POINT!
Mr Clifford - Macro Videos (and here, presented as a list)
Investopedia University - Economics and CFA Guide
One-Minute Economics (good if you have a short attention span)
Econ Games and Reinforcement Activities
Marginal Revolution Economics (YouTube)
Marginal Return University - Macroeconomics
Econ Classroom (Jason Welker & Khan Academy)
Econplus Dal (YouTube Channel)
Sparknotes (General Economics)
Macroeconomics (Khan Academy)
Parkman's pages (substitute current chapter # in URL)
ACDC's Ultimate Review Packet that was distributed months ago; also on Schoology under Resources
Fiscal Ship (Federal budget game to learn macro)
Professor Peter Ireland's site (incl exams and explanations) NEW!
AP®︎ Stuff (Helps with non-AP Economics, too)
From College Board
Macro & Micro Course Descriptions
(incl MCQs w/answers and FRQs w/o answers)
Practice Questions from College Board
Practice Questions from College Board
Macroeconomics Study Guides (including YOUR TEXT)
Sylvain Hours' Site (very interactice, including "games)
Khan Academy
The Ultimate List of AP Macroeconomics Tips
The Ultimate List of AP Microeconomics Tips
Macro: 120 MCQs w/answers
Denton ISD
Macro: 60 MCQs w/answers
Crack AP (short practice exams - good for MANY AP exams)
Micro (Gimkit)
Econowaugh (Micro and Macro Econ blog): a ridiculous amount of info, including what topics were tested in what years (to help predict likely a topic will be focused on)
A Facebook group of AP®︎ Econ teachers from all over the country recommends the following resources (in order of popularity; links go to Amazon for convenience only):
2) ACDC Ultimate Review Packet (your school district bought this
for each of you and I hand-distributed it earlier this school
year); posted to Schoology AP Econ group
3) Crash Course (two versions, both from 2011: here and here)
This just came out:
Crash Course Economics: A Study Guide of Worksheets for Economics
They didn't like Barron's much. No mention of Princeton Review.
Chapter 2
What is it? (w/2m vid)
PPF explained (6m vid)
PPF shifts (4m vid)
Positive vs Normative Economics (easy to confuse)
from Investopedia (w/2m vid)
from QuickEcon (4m vid)
from (w/2m vid)
from keydifferences (w/nice comparison chart)
Communism vs Socialism (w/video)
Circular Flow Diagram
Circular Flow Matrix- How the economy works (ACDC 5m)
The Circular-Flow Model of the Economy
Circular Flow Diagram in Economics: Definition & Example
Circular Flow Of Income (Investopedia)
Tradoff vs Opportunity Cost
Pratzilla (4m vid)
StashInvest (kinda wordy and investment-oriented)
Chapter 3: Interdependence and Gains from Trade
Absolute vs Comparative Advantage (video)
Watch the video(s) in the PPT for this chapter
Tons of practice (see START HERE above)
Questions in and at the end of Ch 3
Study Guide distributed in class
A and C Advantage Guided Practice (ACDC)
Interactive web page for in-class CEE activity
Chapter 4: The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
I Paid $2500 for my Hamilton Ticket (NYT article)
Thanksgiving Economics
Your Guide to Winning the Economy Debate at Thanksgiving Dinner
Cost of a Thanksgiving Meal the Year You Were Born
Here's How Much Your Thanksgiving Dinner Will Probably Cost This Year
Chapter 6: Supply, Demand, and Government Policies
Government meddles with Free Market...what's up with that?
A simple search finds a gold mine of videos. How many have you watched? Don't forget about elasticity.
If you like math, you'll enjoy Ch 23, but let's get through 6 first, ok?
Chapter 23: Measuring a Nation's Income
ACDC - a whole list of videos, including PRACTICE
Components of GDP (Univ of CO)
How to Calcluate a Country's GDP (Investopedia, w/vid)
How to Calculate the GDP Deflator (Quicknomics)
The Importance of Inflation and GDP (Investopedia, w/vid)
Economic Indicators (Investopedia)
Ch 24: Measuring the Cost of Living
Mr Clifford: GDP, Unemployment, Inflation explained using
Back to the Future (YouTube, 6m)
Mr Clifford - CPI/GDP Playlist
Mr Clifford: CPI Practice (YouTube, 8m)
Inflation & CPI Practice (YouTube, 16m)
Hurt or Helped by Inflation? (Quizlet)
Macroeconomics: Inflation (Investopedia)
9 Effects of Inflation (Investopedia)
Who Does Inflation Hurt Most? (
Winners and Losers If Inflation Skyrockets (
How to Calcluate a Country's GDP (Investopedia, w/video)
"Measuring the Economy" (covers several topics) (
Inflation Winners & Losers (
CPI vs PPI (Investopedia)
The Whole Enchilada (Mr Clifford) - Covers multiple chapters
Quizlet on vocab (from...someone else)
Detailed outline of Ch 24 (from UNM)
Ch 25: Production and Growth
Foreign [Direct] Investment:
FDI (EconomyWatch)
FDI (EconomicsHelp)
The Basics of Tariffs and Trade Barriers
Does High GDP Mean High Standard of Living? (Investopedia)
5 Government Stats You Can't Trust (Investopedia)
Ch 26: Saving, Investment, and the Financial System
Financial Sector (Mr Clifford, 3m)
Loanable Funds, see text pp 584-585 (Mr Clifford)
Federal Debt & Deficit, see p591 (We the Economy)
Debt and Deficit (Crash Course)
Saving, Investment, Financial Sector (41m video)
How Interest Rates Affect the Stock Market (Investopedia)
Debt Clocks
US Debt Clock #OMG
Debt Clock (from The Economist)
Ch 28: Unemployment
Presentation from activity (as promised, with updated charts)
Participation Rate vs. Unemployment Rate: What's the Difference? (yes, there's a web site DEDICATED to this stuff! And if you poke around and read, you'll learn a lot; this complements the text and class discussion)
Use ALL of the "Start Here" links @ top of page (yes, you may have to dig just a little to get to unemployment can do it!)
Ch 29: The Monetary System
How the Federal Reserve Manages Money Supply
Discount Rate vs Federal Funds Rate (various vids)
Reserve Ratio (Investopedia, w/vid)
The Fed's latest Reserve Requirements
Money Multiplier - Playlist (ACDC)
Macro Unit 4: Money, Banking, & Monetary Policy
Khan Academy
Monetary System/Financial Sector (includes practice!)
LOTS of stuff at the top of this page (under START HERE)
Alternative Chapter Notes (P. Ireland)
Good practice ?s (Course Hero)
Ch 30: Money Growth and Inflation
Alternative Chapter Notes (P. Ireland)
Money Growth & Inflation (45m vid lecture w/slides)
The Fed and How It Manages Money Supply (Investopedia)
The Road to Emerald City Is Paved with Good Intentions (EconEdLink)
ACDC: Q theory of Money (2m vid)
MRU: Q theory of Money (3m vid)
(Revisit prior resources on inflation, too)
Classical Dichotomy & Money Neutrality (4m vid)
Natural, Cyclical, Structural, Frictional Unemployment (Khan)
QTM (8m, Khan)
QTM (2m vid, Investopedia)
How does monetary policy influence inflation? (Investopedia)
Relationship between money growth and inflation (w/examples)
How does monetary policy influence inflation and employment? (The Fed)
Money Growth and Inflation (T-Money Econ, incl practice & vid)
What is Velocity of Money? (2m Xargo)
Velocity of money rather than quantity driving prices (4m Khan)
Velocity of Money Explained in ONE MINUTE! (1m, 1-min Econ)
"Topics" Guide to complement the Ch 30 SG
The following were located with a TOP SECRET search method (see me for details but be prepared to sign an NDA):
Ch 33: Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply
Dr Dangerous Dave on Sticky Prices/Wages
What factors cause shift in aggregate demand? (Investopedia)
AS/AD (Khan
AS/AD (Cliffs)
AS/AD (Spark)
AD (Econ Online)
How do regular and aggregate supply & demand differ?
Difference Between Market Demand & Aggregate Demand
Difference between Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Difference Between Aggregate Demand and Demand
Old ACDC video on LRAS/LRAD (I'm not going to insult you by listing all the related videos that pop up along the right side of the page)
Practice Questions:
Ch 34: The Influence of Monetary & Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand
How Do Fiscal and Monetary Policies Affect Aggregate Demand?
What Factors Cause Shifts in Aggregate Demand?
Alternate (vs what's shown in class) PPT
Chapter Analysis by the World Econ Association
Quizlet Flash Cards:
Fiscal & Monetary Policy Review (Clifford)
What is Fiscal Policy? (w/short vid)
What is Monetary Policy? (w/short vid)
Keyesian Economics (Clifford)
Final Exam/Course Review
The following is NOT a be-all/end-all substitute for reviewing the text, your study guides, notes, etc., but is a good start. Your final exam is based largely on tests (more info on this will be given in class).
- Everything You Need to Know About Macroeconomics (Clifford)
- 15-minute Macro Review (Clifford)
Dictionaries and Such
Study Guide (written by my MBA Economics professor!) - $2 at (Kindle version)
Current Topics/Articles
2018's New Minimum Wages Come with a Cost (
NPR - Economics (updated constantly; read or listen!)
Star Wars (Global Economics), with video
After Economic Crisis, Low Birthrates Challenge Southern Europe
Is American Retail at a Historic Tipping Point?
What are leading, lagging and coincident indicators? What are they for?
Oh, What a Stupid Trade War PDF (NYTimes, 01Jun2018)
Making Sen$e with Paul Solman: Man vs. Machine: Will Human Workers Become Obsolete? Productivity, standard of living
Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis - FULL EPISODE | VICE Special Report | HBO (1h36m)
Purchasing Power - by State (Investopedia)
Games and Simulations
What's Your Economic IQ? (20 ?s from St Louis Fed)
Chair the Fed (Monetary Policy Game/Sim from SF Fed)