Web Pages


Online References

Primary Resources


W3 Schools HTML5 Course/Tutorial

Here is a new-but-growing list of online references to augment your notes. If you find a site worth adding, let me know and I'll add it.


Use these references, your notes, look some things up on your own, and consider visiting the free public library and take a look at the myriad books available, and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish! :^)

HTML Tutorials

  1. HTML Crash Course for Beginners (YouTube)
  2. HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners | The Ultimate guide to learning HTML and CSS (YouTube)
  3. W3Schools: HTML5 Intro 
  4. HTML Basic Tutor
  5. CodeProject: HTML for Beginners
  6. 14 Best Free Web Development & Programming Tutorial, Course & Certification
  7. Getting Started with the Web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  8. StudioWeb
  9. freeCodeCamp
  10. HTML Tutorials - Hyper Text Markup Language

History of the Internet (& Related)

  1. History of the Internet (8m vid)
  2. Internet Vocabulary/Terminology (8m vid)
  3. Internet Basics for Beginners (42m vid)

How the Internet Works

  1. How the Internet Works, in 5 Minutes (5m vid)
  2. The Secrets Behind how the Internet Works (11m, ColdFusion)
  3. How Does the Internet Work? (9m, Learn Engineering)
  4. How the Internet Was Invented | The History of the Internet, Part 1 (12m, SciShow)
  5. How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the Internet, Part 2 (10m, SciShow)
  6. The Data Explosion | The History of the Internet, Part 3 (10m, SciShow)
  7. The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science #29 (12m, CrashCourse; kinda technical)

Dreamweaver CS6

  1. Intro to Adobe Dreamweaver CS6: Step by Step Lecture (1 of 3) (long, but covers everything; 1h20m vid)
  2. Intro to Adobe Dreamweaver CS6: Step-by-Step Lecture (2 of 3) (1h10m vid)
  3. Intro to Adobe Dreamweaver CS6: Step-by-Step Lecture (3 of 3) (1h3m vid)
  4. Dreamweaver for Beginners: A Tutorial For Absolute Beginners (15m vid)
  5. Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Part 1 (16m vid)
  6. Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Part 2 (15m vid)
  7. Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Part 3 (16m vid)
  8. Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial: Part 4 (16m vid)

Adobe Bridge

Click here for a list of videos to help with Adobe Bridge (beginning of the Dreamweaver portion of the course).

Cool Tools

HTML cleanup:

Dirty markup

W3C Code Validator

Project 1

Everything you need is at W3Schools and YouTube


Title tag

Body tag

You will do better on the project if you read the directions and follow them carefully. Students who skim the directions or "guess" tend to do poorly.

Project 1 Rubric/Directions

Movies Project

How to use ID to link to specific parts of pages:

  • Go here and look for the section called "Bookmarks with ID and Links". Look here as well.
  • Here's a short video that is very be helpful.

Meta Tags:

Calendar Project

W3Schools on tables and here; colspan

Another tutorial

A bit more advanced stuff (you WILL need this for the project!)