Web Pages
Assignments (Spring 2018)
PHS Student Handbook Electronics policy will be enforced. Phones should not be used/visible in class, for any reason.
Rubric for Ch3. Note: this is simply the instructions you've seen since early May with points attached to them - there is/was no reason to delay.
Your final exam grade will be based on your Portfolio Project that you have been working on since early May. You will have >1 hr during final exam time to follow instructions. It is imperative that you are caught up through chapter 3 (p3-37), which you have had since early May to work on.
The final exam time will be open-book, open-Internet, but you may not use your phones or each other.
FINAL EXAMS & GRADUATION (posted 28May2018)
1) Taking the final exam is REQUIRED for ALL students in Web Pages, regardless of course average (grade) or senior status.
2) Final exam is NO NOTES, NO ELECTRONICS, and NO TALKING. Violating these rules and/or causing ANY disruption of the testing environment will be considered refusal to take the exam, in which case (a) security will be called, (b) your grade-level Dean and Assistant Principal will be notified, and (c) your parent/guardian will be contacted. I would not bet on your AP allowing you to make up the exam, so carefully consider your decisions/choices, especially for those of you who need this class to graduate.
3) If you don't show up for the final exam, It is YOUR responsibility to contact me to arrange the makeup time/date/location.
4) If you're wondering what you need on the final exam to earn a D, C, B, or A in the course, look under COURSE GRADES on the Grading Policy page for a link to a Google Sheet that will do the math for you.
"Make-up exams are permitted when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from taking the regularly scheduled exam. A request stating the circumstances concerning missed exams must be made to the appropriate grade level assistant principal. Approval to take a make-up exam will then be determined by the appropriate grade level assistant principal. This request must be made within two days after the administering of the regularly scheduled exam. Written requests should include a statement of the extenuating circumstances, a doctor’s note and/or other supporting documentation."
SOURCE: 2017-18 PHS Student Handbook, p22
Ch 2 due by 08-Jun
Ch 3 due by 11-Jun
ABSOLUTE last day ANYTHING will be graded is 12-Jun (X day)
Ch 1 is now woefully late; partial credit only going forward.
This weekend I will enter scores for those whose projects are graded.
Ch 2 (rubric here) and Ch 3 (rubric coming) are due by June 11th (last day of regular classes) and NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED so do what you must to complete these chapters.
I will demonstrate how quickly some of the work can be done. It is IMPERATIVE that you read the entire chapter or it will be extremely difficult to do the work. If you read the chapter, when you do the project you'll know exactly where to look for guidance!
IF you are using class time productively, you may come in during extra help time(s) to continue working. If you choose to use class time for socializing and other off-task matters, don't expect me to give up my personal time to accommodate your poor choice.
Not sure how else I can explain what you need to do - see below and on the board. Come in for help if you have to.
Rubric was updated to reflect chapter 1 instead of chapter 2. PLEASE read it completely. Link is under 07-May below.
If you did EVERYTHING you're supposed to, should be fine. I will be grading the entire period the next time I see you.
Each chapter, you will do:
- Reading - Real all the "text" pages and make notes. Since this is open-book, you can refer back to the reading, but life will be easier if you already know what's in it first. This should take maybe 10-20 mins per chapter.
- Striped Umbrella - this is practice/learning and not graded. You need to do it so you know what to do on the graded project. Each chapter you will add/change it, like building a skyscraper, one floor at a time.
- Carolyne's Creations - this is GRADED. Each chapter you will add/change it, like building a skyscraper, one floor at a time.
- Portfolio Project - this is GRADED. At the end of each chapter, it will guide you through your own project where you will create something new, of your own choosing. The end result (your own, multi-page web site) will also be part of your final exam grade.
NOW that you no longer need to do TripSmart, the work should go much faster. Aim to present for grading NO LATER THAN TUESDAY (15May).
You should have finished the Bridge chapter last week (2+ hours).
This week's focus is on completing the first Dreamweaver chapter.
As I said several times in class: if you skip steps, you are only creating a lot more work for yourself. it's all spelled out - go slowly (not TOO slowly), and just follow directions (to the letter).
If chatting goes off-topic, you may change your seat (or I will). That said, I encourage you to help each other - just stay on-task.
Refer to video resources I previously provided.
If you fall behind, use extra help time to catch up (you cannot do it at home).
HTML tables.
- Read & follow directions/rubric (below).
- Watch this video.
Read & follow directions/rubric (below). - Know table tags (<tr>, <td>, <th>, <rowspan>, <colspan>, etc.), by practicing on W3Schools.
Read & follow directions/rubric (below). - Feel free to find other web-based resources to help you.
Read & follow directions/rubric (below). - Begin Calendar Project (see below). Choose any month in 2018 you like (project says something slightly different).
Read & follow directions/rubric (below). - Due date will be set early next week.
Read & follow directions/rubric (below). - If you choose to not read/follow provided instructions, you should expect to lose significant points.
Read & follow directions/rubric (below).
You have the entire period - another 60 minutes - to create lovely movies projects. You had all class period on Monday AND after school to see examples, ask for help, etc. You also have unlimited use of notes and Internet. I will begin scoring on Wednesday; on Friday we begin the next project. Any Movies Projects not scored by Friday will be LATE - 10% off per day.
Here's the rubric for the Movies Project, which is due 12-Apr.
05- and 06-Apr-2018
76 minutes of additional time to work on Movies Project. If you use class time wisely, you might finish.
- Last day for Proj 2 (thanks to snow days, etc.)
- As you go through tutorials, be sure to read everything in addition to just clicking "Try it!" Quiz on Thursday on everything we've done in HTML through Project 2.
- Use tutorial and practice everything in the following sections - Project 3 will be on all of them.
Project 02: Basic HTML with attributes
Due by 05-Mar-2018
QUIZ on HTML basics, history of WWW & Internet coming soon
- What is the Internet?
- What is the World Wide Web?
- How did history play a role in their development?
- What are key terms you need to know?
The Resources page will undergo frequent updates, so check it regularly. Consider it REQUIRED READING.
Week of 05-Feb-2018
Continue/finish Pirates of Silicon Valley. Assessment after conclusion and discussion.
Start learning HTML!
Your first assignment (due by 11:59pm tonight) is easy:
- Sign up for Remind
a) Download the Remind app
b) Join class @webpgss18 - Complete this survey.
- Read the Course Syllabus.
Assignments and other important information are communicated in many ways, including:
- Remind
- This Assignments Page
- Verbally in class
You are expected to check/pay attention to all of these; extensions will only be granted in the most extenuating of circumstances (e.g., "I didn't know" or "I forgot" or "I had to work late" or "I had work to do for other classes" or "this is just an elective" are not valid excuses).