Web Pages
Fall 2019
Dreamweaver Ch 1 work (Project 1 & Portfolio; Project 2 is optional)
is due by Wed, Dec 11th @ 2pm.
- Rubrics were distributed during class on Tues, Dec 10th and mirror the requirements in your textbook.
- Portfolio portion MUST be submitted via Schoology (full instructions are provided)
by Wed, Dec 11th @ 2pm. - For in-class scoring portion (TripSmart and Carolyn's Creations), rubric MUST have your name & date - I am not filling in this information (same policy as MP1).
- Once you request scoring, the assumption is you have read and followed all directions. If you choose not to read/follow them, your score will reflect that decision.
- Extra help was, is, and will continue to be available DAILY 7-7:10am and during 1st lunch, and after school most Mondays & Wednesdays. This info is on the class web page, announced in class, and in the course syllabus. Please confirm before coming to ensure I don't have a meeting or appointment.
Last week we hit the pause button and I modeled exactly how to use Dreamweaver's tool called Site Manager (required as part of the projects). Unfortunately, this is the largest web class I've had (23) which means I can't give everyone a lot of individual attention, so I encourage you to continue to help each other.
Below are sample images of wireframes. You can free-hand them or find a free tool online and do it that way. In either case, wherever the text calls for wireframes, you must create them.
Click the images to go to their respective pages of origin.
By the end of this period you should be done with Chapter 1 of Dreamweaver (Striped Umbrella) and working on the Portfolio Project. If you have more time, start working on Project 2 (Carolyn's Creations), which will be extra credit.
Here's a big hint for the Calendar project:
You may also look for additional help in YouTube, W3Schools, or anywhere on the Internet!
On Friday I introduced tables and you had the rest of the period to use W3Schools to practice. Now it's time to produce one yourself.
See Schoology for today's assignment. It's due before you leave today and it's graded; I suggest you start immediately and stay on-task.
HW: Continue to use HTML tutorials and other resources to work on learning tables.
Calendar project is slightly delayed; don't worry, it's coming.
Tables were introduced in class today. You should be working on practicing by using W3schools, the tutorials on the Resources page, and YouTube. You could also do your own searches like this one and this one, right?
The Calendar Project will be posted to Schoology by Monday. You will then have two class periods to complete and submit it.
Many of you chose not to complete/submit the Movies Project on time. Late submissions are accepted but with point penalties. You had four hours of class time and no one came in for extra help.
As mentioned in class, HTML test postponed because we haven't yet hit a couple of topics in it.
Preparing for Project 4 (a/k/a "Movies Project")
Use W3Schools (and YouTube!) to research/practice the following topics/skills:
- HTML Lists (ordered and unordered); start here
- HTML Meta tags (in <head> section); start here
- HTML Hyperlinks (absolute and relative);
start here and here and here - HTML Styles (color, size, font, etc.); start here
- HTML Bookmarks; start here and here (look for "Use the id attribute to link to an element with a specified id within a page:")
Think of genres of movies (e.g., romance, horror, etc.) and what movies you like in each genre. Put these lists in your notes.
Test on all HTML we'e done so far Be sure you have your Quia ID (small slip of paper I gave you and told you to photograph w/your phone).
It's taking too long for me to grade projects (too many of you), so you will need to open them in Chrome, print the page, press [Ctrl]+[U], and print the page of code (two pages total). Staple those two to your rubric and submit. I can show you in class if necessary.
Most are doing GREAT! Some are doing okay but making careless/sloppy errors. A couple of you really need extra help. I'm here M, W, F after school and will write a pass to practice, bus, etc.
All HTML (projects) must be on your S: drive (the one with your student number), in a directory called webpages. Under that should a be directory called images, and all images go in that folder. This was explained and demonstrated in class several times. Get extra help, please, if you are still having trouble. This is so I can see them when you're not here.
Especially if you are struggling, it is a good idea to be exploring W3Schools and other HTML tutorials to stay ahead. See Resources page.
Most grading of Project 1 is done. Next class: I will introduce new topics, most of you will start "playing" with them on W3Schools while I grade remaining projects.
You'll notice that I'm strict on some things like full name/date/period on rubric before you call me over, following directions closely, etc. This is how it is in the "real world" - doing these things will help you in pretty much any job/situation.
- Check out your first project.
- Work with tutorials on W3Schools to practice the topics in the project.
- Once you get it to work in W3Schools, copy to Notetab++ and save (directions are on project rubric) and ask for grading. I will sit with you and score it as we discuss.
You MAY listen to music in ONE EAR.
You MAY help each other.
The following will cost you class participation points:
- Face-on-desk.
- Talking so much you're not getting much done.
- Using phone for other than music (e.g., social media).
- Other choices that negatively affect your learning, others' learning, or class environment.
- Please sign up for EdPuzzle today or when class time is provided on Monday (takes 1-2 minutes, max).
- Please find/buy/whatever no-mic earbuds/headphones for educational use in class.
What is the Internet? When did it start? Who created it? Why?
Guided discussion (students take notes) using the following videos from Resources:
"Pirates" test due by 11:59pm on Thursday, Sept 12th. Secret word is apple.
Do NOT click SUBMIT until you are ready to have it graded!
You have TWO attempts; the higher score counts.
You will receive two scores: one is if you get none of the open-ended correct and one is if you get them all correct. I have to grade them manually, so you'll have your final score by Monday.
Bring your handwritten notes to class on Friday, Sept 13th for a shot at extra credit.
We started "Pirates of Silicon Valley" on Friday. We'll continue, probably finishing in the next class after next (we have 65 mins of video to go). As soon as we're done, you will have an open-notes test on it. If you miss some, you should get notes, etc., from a classmate. It's not streaming; the only way you can access it is to buy a DVD (or maybe the public library has it?).
At this point you should know:
- 3 founders of Microsoft
- 2 founders of Apple
- What Apple and Microsoft do/make at this point in history
- What timeframe is covered
- Where (cities/schools) Apple and Microsoft started
- Where (cities) Apple and Microsoft ended up
You can look up some info on your own regarding Microsoft and Apple (I'd start with Wikipedia) to add to your notes.
I will continue to pause and ask questions and point things out. I do so for a reason, so it's a good idea to pay extra attention and take additional notes at these times. These pauses are also a good time to ask questions.
Please be sure your school network ID and password are working. If you cannot log in, you MUST go to the IT HelpDesk and get it fixed. Your test will be online so choosing not to get your ID working = choosing to not take the test.
Welcome to Web Pages! There is much to learn in this course and as past students will tell you, everything you learn in this class will be useful.
Things will be light in the beginning, then we pick up steam. The first assignments take just a few minutes to complete and should be super-easy "A" grades for you. Completing them correctly and on time shows you can read & follow directions and are serious about your success.
The first TWO items below are GRADED and due no later than 9pm TONIGHT.
Read everything FIRST, then go back to #1 and complete them.
1) Install FREE Remind app. If you already have the app and a working account, go to step 3 below.
2) Set up your Remind account.
3) Join the correct class using the code below. This should take under 1 minute (if you already have the app or insist on using the text version of Remind) to 5 mins (if you have to start from scratch and install the app). If you are not sure what class you are in, check your schedule or come see me after school for assistance.
Per 07: @webf19p07
NOTE: The Remind app is quicker, has more features, and is more reliable
than text. Sometimes extra credit "specials" are sent via Remind so failure to check can cost you points!
4) Set Remind notifications to persistent (click here for instructions for iPhone).
5) Remember...
1) Complete this Google form/survey. Should take about 5-7 minutes depending on how fast you read/type.
2) Read/review course syllabus with parent/guardian so everyone knows what's expected. If you have questions, ask via Remind or the next time you see me in person.
3) Read/review Grading Policy page.
4) By now you should have read the PHS Student Handbook. The link to the latest version of this document is under IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS on the right side of this page. Be sure to read the 2nd bullet point at the bottom of page 26 and other info on makeup work, exams, attendance, etc.