Personal Finance
Assignments: Fall 2019
It's NOT "just an elective"!
Tips for SUCCESS from alumni of previous classes
How to Submit Google Doc assignments in Schoology
Theme 4 Test:
Secret Word: nysex (replace x with your period #)
Here's a Kahoot! based on the Study Guide that's been online all along and was handed out in class. Note that the links on the paper version are not functional.
Minor enhancements were recently made to the Resources page concerning taxes & tax returns.
Schedule for next few days...
Tues, 03Dec
Per 4 & HR2: 1040 discussion; test review
Per 6: Graded 1040; test review if time left
Wed, 04Dec
Per 1 & HR2 & 6: Test on Taxes (heavily based on Study Guide that's been online all along AND printed copy distributed in class)
Thur, 05Dec
Per 4: Test on Taxes (heavily based on Study Guide that's been online all along AND printed copy distributed in class)
Fri, 06Dec:
There will be a graded assignment - topic TBD
COOL TOOL from the IRS that YOU can use for YOUR OWN tax return (and Ima G Student's!): What is YOUR standard deduction?
- Final instruction/review for taxes is ongoing
through 27Nov - Graded tax return early next week
- Tax TEST on 1st day of Cycle 9
- TONS of resources to use for test prep, including a comprehensive Essential Study Guide, is on the Resources page
- Last extra help was Monday, 25Nov2019
(1:45pm - 4:00pm) - Next extra help is Monday, 02Dec2019 @ 1:45pm
- Graded 1040: You will complete a 1040 for a test score (out of 50 pts) in class before you leave for Thanksgiving break.
- Test on Taxes: Figure on or about 03Dec (after Thanksgiving break). We may start Theme 4 before the test. We will have at least 1/2 period "review" of Essential Study Guide (just updated TODAY). This ESG has been available all along, and on 19Nov your assignment was to use it and make a list of questions.
- EverFi: You have had full access since late September. No deadlines in next week or so but you can re-do any of them as part of your test review (no grade changes).
- Final Exam: Dedicated page for final exam prep has been up all year. Take a look and plan to start using it regularly in late December until the final exam (end of January).
- Deadlines & Makeups: Reminder to check Grading Policy page if you have not already (or if you did and forgot).
- How to Succeed in MP2: There's a whole page on this and many would benefit from reading and following this advice.
We are wrapping up tax returns. The 3rd return you do will be graded. We did the first together, and the 2nd you have/had class time to do with a peer. My Resources page and YouTube are loaded with step-by-step videos and other helpful resources.
- Thoroughly read/visit ALL links under Tax Returns on Resources page, including: Head of Household (Eli), 1040 Walkthrough, Taxable interest, Dependents, Common mistakes.
- Visit YouTube and view at least two videos on the 1040, document the video (URL) you liked the most, and be prepared to write a review (put it in your notes for future use, which may be a graded assignment).
- Watch "Three Ways to Get More Out of Your Paycheck" on the Resources page.
- View the PDF called Essential Guide to Taxes (on the Resources page) which is your "study guide" for taxes test, which is after we finish 1040. Make a list of questions to ask that the provided Resources don't answer.
First-Day forms -> work/earn -> Dec 31st -> get W-2 -> file 1040
IRS form W-2: what is it, who creates/completes it, who receives it, when is it sent, what it's for, etc.
IRS form 1040: what is it, who creates/completes it, who receives it, when is it sent, what it's for, etc.
- Earlier this week: classes completed form W-4 and discussed form I-9.
- Special limited-time offer went out via Remind earlier this afternoon (it had to do with the EverFi assignments that are due by Sunday night).
- If you submitted your original Young Adult Budget before the original deadline (04Nov), and you submitted your corrections by the corrections deadline (12Nov), it will be re-scored and posted to MP1 by Monday (17Nov).
- We discussed flat at progressive taxes, including sales, property, and income taxes.
- Class time spent on tax brackets calculations after viewing videos from Resources page.
- Next: tax returns (form 1040); one together and the 2nd one is graded.
- Test today (see link below).
- Next THREE EverFi modules are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, Nov 17, 2019. Since there are THREE modules due, it is very important to PLAN: will you do a 3-module marathon or one at a time? THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
Test on
Budgeting & Paychecks is on
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019.
Personal Budget with Percentages was posted to Schoology around 7am on Oct 30th and is DUE BY by 11:59pm ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2019. I will only score your most recent attempt that is on time and will do so over the long weekend.
Only edit the YELLOW CELLS; do NOT edit ANY formulas under ANY circumstances. Ignore the tabs to the right of tab 3 (you are ONLY using tabs 1, 2, and 3) See below for more...
You have/had class time, access to me and your peers, unlimited attempts with instant feedback (from the sheet itself), and open Internet/notes/EverFi, so the following rules are in place:
The following will result in NO CREDIT:
- Budget does not balance (cell C51 on tab 3)
- Editing/changing/deleting any formula
- Nothing submitted
- Submission not completed properly per provided directions (i.e., I can't see/read your work, you provided a link and didn't submit the actual sheet, etc.)
- Submission is after the deadline (posted above and in Schoology)
- Submission matches someone else's
- Not including required expenses like medical, transportation, etc.
The following will result in REDUCED SCORE:
- Not following directions completely and accurately.
- Not meeting provided budget constraint(s) (ex: savings below 10%, housing that is above 40%)
- Using figures that are unrealistic (ex: $50/month food, $0/month clothing, $0 for utilities, $0 for medical insurance, no gas for your car, etc.). The only expenses that are optional...we discussed extensively in class.
- Ignoring provided options (ex: you have a roommate in a one-bedroom apartment, which is NOT a listed option)
- Having a car without insurance (IF you choose an apt in NYC I will assume you will use mass transit so $200/month for transportation and no auto insurance is ok). You MUST have transportation.
- Starting pay is incorrect (ex: you're a NEW accountant but you indicate you earn $100,000 per year); I have access to OOH and a very good idea of starting salaries for most professions.
- This is clearly addressed in Step 7 of the project directions on Schoology.
- If you need a 2nd/part-time job to meet your expenses, you must clearly indicate this in row 4 of the 3rd tab.
- You must estimate how many hours you will work at the 2nd job in a year, multiply that by the hourly rate, and add that to your main job's salary, then put that total in cell C3 of the 1st tab.
- In cell C4 of the 1st tab, show how you got to your total annual salary (ex: $40,000 + $5,000 p/t = $45,000 total).
Take the time to read all of this...
1) The following should be completed today (you may work together) - be prepared to submit/present them at the start of next class:
- Packet titled "What Are All These Deductions from My Paycheck?"
- Packet titled "Money Management"
If you don't have a packet, see Ms Savitt.
2) The following is still due by 11:59pm tonight:
- Personal Expense Tracking Sheet (Fall 2019) in Schoology (see 18Oct and 22Oct below AND
the project which was posted to Schoology on 17Oct AND my own example I shared via
- Be sure to follow the awesome instructions at the
top of this page - submitting a Google Sheet is
the same as submitting a Google Doc.
1) MP1 ends on 12-Nov-2019 and is 44% of your course grade.
2) There is one more project in Budgeting which will be introduced shortly; it will be on Schoology and submission must be a PDF due to Schoology technical limitations. Stay tuned.
3) You should be preparing for your Budgeting Test (date TBD but right after next project, which will go quickly).
4) Taxes portion of Theme 3 starts right after Budgeting test. You will learn lots about taxes (some if it overlaps what we've already done in Budgeting AND you will complete tax returns!
5) The next EverFi assignments aren't due for a while, but if you like to "look around the corner to see what's coming" click the EverFi Module Mapping link that's been at the top of this page for weeks.
You can help maximize your learning and success by using/viewing all links on the Resources Page for Theme 3.
Each class now has a Senior Year Budget sheet. If you didn't complete it in class, complete it at home and bring to next class.
EverFi NEW - Budgeting module is due by NOON on Sunday,
Oct 27th. Click here to see all
Personal Spending Tracker: CHANGE IN DUE DATE!
Per 1, HR2, 6: track all expenses 18Oct - 27Oct
Per 4: track all expenses 21Oct - 27Oct
ALL CLASSES: you have until 11:59pm on Monday, Oct 28th to complete, proofread, total, and submit your Google Sheet via Schoology.
Personal Spending Tracker: You must log all expenses through Sat, Oct 26th. I will enable Schoology submissions Sunday morning, Oct 27th, and you have until 9pm (that's the 9 o'clock when it's dark out) to submit.
If you do this right, this project takes maybe 1-2 mins per day, maybe 5 mins to total and format properly, and 1-2 minutes to submit on Oct 27th. If you read instructions ahead of time you won't be confused.
Day 1 of Cycle:
- View all videos on this page (some are less than a minute); take notes; complete by Monday night (Oct 21).
- Go to Schoology and start Personal Spending Tracker Project, including copying Google Sheet to your Google Drive. This project is easy if you read directions, and really difficult if you don't. Due Oct 27th by 9:00pm via Schoology.
- Finish EverFi Module 7 - Insurance & Taxes, which is still due by 11:59pm on Monday, Oct 26th. This was assigned days ago and there will be no extensions.
Theme 2 TEST: No notes, calculators, etc. Just you and your excellent preparation and knowledge!
When you're done (the test should take maybe 20 mins), start on
EverFi CLASSIC Module 7
Insurance & Taxes
which is due
Monday, Oct 21st, by 11:59pm.
Theme 3 (Budgeting) has a lot of emphasis on taxes; insurance comes up later in the course.
No ECB this time since copious class time was provided.
EverFi questions? See bottom of Resource page just like I showed in class many times.
- For those baffled by am vs pm vs noon vs midnight, please view this video, this link, or see me for extra help. This is a life skill you will need to survive at college, work, etc., as no professor or employer will provide text reminders or animated countdown clocks.
- For those who chose work, play, other subjects' assignments, etc., over Personal Finance assignments, did you realize your decision is a classic example of Theme 1 of this course (see #1, #2, and #6 on poster at front of room)?
- For those who have not read the Remind texts or this site, I'm available for extra help M/W/F after school in D215 to address this and any other issues/questions you might have.
- Packet 2.2 (i.e., through page 31) due at beginning of your class's Day 4 of current cycle (the class after you receive it). If you choose to do the extra credit (bottom of p31), it must be on YouTube so I can show it to all classes; deadline is Tuesday by 7:15am (send link via email).
- Packet 2.4 (i.e., the remainder of the packet you received) is mostly reference but is FAIR GAME for the test, so read it all.
Career Project & EverFi NEW: Income & Employment are BOTH still due by noon this Sunday, Oct
*NO EXTENSIONS* - TEST on Theme 2: Careers is on your class's DAY 5 of current cycle and will NOT be open-notes. "Study Guide" is on Resources page at end of Theme 2.
Now due by NOON this Sunday, Oct 13 via Schoology. -
EverFi NEW - Income & Employment:
Still due by NOON this Sunday, Oct 13
THEME 2: Careers & Planning
Most of what you need is on the Resources page (even if you're out or on special assignment) under...wait for it..."THEME 2: Careers & Planning".
EverFi NEW: Income & Employment is due by NOON on Wed, Oct 9 (for early completion bonus) or by NOON on Sun, Oct 13 (regular credit only).
Financing Higher Education Test
53-hours "re-do" window for Financing Higher Education test closes at 11:59pm tonight. Perhaps those who choose to take advantage will learn much and score well - and maybe even save a few thousand off their own higher education?
As explained in class a while back, deadlines for EverFi assignments will be announced as we go but you don't have to wait until the due date to start.
SEVERAL EverFi modules will be required and must be completed before assigned deadlines. You can create notes during the module and use them in the 10-question "test" at the end. Unlimited retakes prior to deadline.
Here's a document that shows which EverFi modules go with which units/themes. Each counts as half a test so missing modules are truly detrimental to your learning and grade. Manage your time and make good choices and you'll be fine.
- Special announcement this evening on Remind; please check by Saturday morning. If you were absent for Financing Higher Education test, you must view it.
- HW: Think of THREE careers are have interest in learning more about.
Happy October! FAFSA is in the air (and pumpkin EVERYTHING)!
FAFSA EdPuzzle assignment due before 11:59pm on
Thurs, Oct 3rd (3m vid); counts as HW grade.
EdPuzzle - Click YOUR class to sign up
You should see one video assignment. It's under 3 minutes.
Students Who Beat The Odds - watch these I'm Going! (3m vid)
How to Pay: Salmaa (1m vid)
Best Tip About Going to College (1m vid)
TEST on Financing Higher Education is on Day 5 of the current cycle. You may bring one page (2 sides) of handwritten notes from, my resources, the in-class presentation, etc. It's on Quia so be sure you have your Quia ID handy (the one I gave out on a slip of paper that I told you to save/store/photograph). Opportunity cost of my having to look up your login credentials is points.
COMING UP: Theme 2 (Careers). Project, test, more.
EXTRA HELP: Mondays & Wednesdays after school; only works if you come in.
Due by NOON today: EverFi Module 5 (Higher Education). You had: class time, home time, unlimited attempts, open notes, open Internet, countless reminders. Module 5 is not modules 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, or 9, so be sure to do module 5 if you want points for this assignment. Also, module 5 (Higher Education) is NOT the same as the module 5 in the "New" EverFi.
Due tomorrow before 2pm: Scholarship project. You had: class time, home time, long weekend, all day Tuesday. If your class period does not meet, you have until 7:15am on Wednesday.
Two Assignments Due Shortly
EverFi Module 5 - Higher Education is now due this MONDAY, SEPT 30th by NOON (I forgot we're off Monday => you get an extra 12 hours from original deadline). Since this is the first time you're doing it, class time was provided so you could ask questions. This should take about 30 minutes in total.
The Scholarship Project, which is detailed on the Resources page, is due before 2pm Tuesday, October 1st (printed copy only - NO electronic submissions). This should take under 30 minutes if you take your time (if you are tech/Internet-savvy, it might take half that). Must meet all 5 requirements for full credit (see directions).
Whether it's EverFi, class topics, making up tests, etc., my availability is copious:
- Every day during 1st lunch
- Mondays after school
- Wednesdays after school
- Thursdays after FBLA meeting (usually ends around 3pm)
- Fridays after school (though I leave if no one's here by 2:10 or so)
Outside of class time and extra help time, your source of help/technical support is limited to the EverFi section at the bottom of the Resources page. If you provided a working email address during registration, should you forget your password you can reset it yourself.
HW: It is strongly recommended you click the links in the presentation on Financing Higher Education being shown in class to add to your notes. Also, you may find many of the links for Higher Education (on Resources page) to be interesting/useful for your own situations. Remembe, the Resources page is your "textbook" and is required reading.
- Register for an EverFi Account by clicking here (some of you may have a prior account from Health - if you do, go to step 2 below). Use an incorrect DAY in your birthday (use correct month and year). You MUST use your FULL "real" [Genesis] name in order to receive credit. Provide email address (even though it says optional).
Join correct class (copy-paste works best):
Per 1: 7298738b Per 4: ad4c2592
HR2: 7d9e3261 Per 6: ecb60474
If you're not sure what class you're in, check your schedule. - Choose the course on the left (the one that does NOT say NEW).
- Complete the short survey to complete registration.
- Start on Module 5: Higher Education (in original EverFi course, not the new one), which is due by Sunday, September 29 @ 11:59pm.
- By using provided class time to start, you have the opportunity to ask questions on how to use EverFi. If you choose to waste class time and have trouble outside of school hours, you're on your own.
- EverFi FAQs, troubleshooting, tips, etc., are at bottom of Resources page. Also review How to Succeed at EverFi (shown in class).
General Info: Failure to make up a missed test within proper time period (see PHS Student Handbook, p31) = significant point penalty or "M" (zero). If you miss a day with no new material (e.g., review day), you are expected to take your test with the rest of the class.
To max your score/grade, all submitted work should:
- Be completed per provided directions
- Be of high quality
- Be submitted before the due date/time
- Have your full "Genesis" name at the top of the 1st page
- Have the date you completed/submitted it at the top of the 1st page
- Have your class period # at the top of the 1st page
- Be legible (clear enough and large enough) to ME
Going forward, points will be deducted for failing to adhere to the above. I have 130+ students and don't have the time to do handwriting analysis or look you up to figure out what period you're in or what day(s) you were out.
Also, this is practice for life: try not doing the above on a job or college application, scholarship submission, tax return, mortgage or car loan application, etc., and guess what happens?!
PERIODS 4, HR2, and 6:
- Sign the attendance sheet
- Read everything below
- Go to Resources page
- Read EVERYTHING under "MISSION", "VISION", "SMART Goals, Objectives", and "Project/Activity: SMART Goals and Objectives", including EVERY link/video.
- Directions you see under "Project/Activity: SMART Goals and Objectives" are also on Schoology, where you will complete it. You are then working in Google Docs and Schoology, but may use my resources or any others you find on the Internet. Due date/time is in Schoology.
- You MAY use your phones ONLY to view/listen to the videos related to this project and then to listen to music; please do not waste your time on social media or other unproductive matters
- A review will be conducted on Day 4 of this cycle;
your Theme 1 test is on Day 5. - A "study guide" is at the bottom of Theme 1 Resources but everything you need is in your packets, notes, and the Resources page. EVERYTHING from Theme 1 is on the test.
- Expect the pace of class to speed up for the next unit, Financing Higher Education.
Packet 1.2, through page 11, is due on Day 1* of Cycle 2. Expectation: full name/period on 1st page, key terms highlighted, notes in margins, all ?s answered legibly. Check out/use Resources, too!
*A day for 1, 6, HR2; B day for 4
Welcome to Personal Finance! There is much to learn in this course and as past students will tell you, everything you learn in this class will be useful.
Things will be light in the beginning, then we pick up steam. The first assignments take just a few minutes to complete and should be super-easy "A" grades for you. Completing them correctly and on time shows you can read & follow directions and are serious about your success.
The first TWO items below are GRADED and due no later than 9pm TONIGHT.
Read everything FIRST, then go back to #1 and complete them.
1) Install FREE Remind app. If you already have the app and a working account, go to step 3 below.
2) Set up your Remind account.
3) Join the correct class using the codes below. This should take under 1 minute (if you already have the app or insist on using the text version of Remind) to 5 mins (if you have to start from scratch and install the app). If you are not sure what class you are in, check your schedule or come see me after school for assistance.
Per 01: @pff19p01
Per 04: @pff19p04
Per 06: @pff19p06
Per HR2: @pff19hr2
NOTE: The Remind app is quicker, has more features, and is more reliable
than text. Sometimes extra credit "specials" are sent via Remind so failure to check can cost you points!
4) Set Remind notifications to persistent (click here for instructions for iPhone).
5) Remember...
1) Complete this Google form/survey. Should take about 5-7 minutes depending on how fast you read/type.
2) Read/review course syllabus with parent/guardian so everyone knows what's expected. If you have questions, ask via Remind or the next time you see me in person.
3) Read/review Grading Policy page.
4) By now you should have read the PHS Student Handbook. The link to the latest version of this document is under IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS on the right side of this page. Be sure to read the 2nd bullet point at the bottom of page 26 and other info on makeup work, exams, attendance, etc.
Read this page about Blended Learning with parent/guardian and be sure it is a good match for you and your learning style; if not, see me and/or your counselor ASAP.