Mr. Michaels

2019 - 2020

Per 1: Personal Finance

Per 2: PREP

Per 3: PREP

Per 4: Personal Finance

HR1: Lunch

HR2: Personal Finance - Blended - SEM

Per 5: AP Macroeconomics

Per 6: Personal Finance

Per 7: Web Pages

The first choice we make each and every day is, "Will we act upon life, or will we merely be acted upon?
- Stephen Covey

Are your CHOICES supporting              your LEARNING?


Welcome back to classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022...and let's give a warm PHS welcome to the class of 2023!


If you have an interest in business, community service, project management, networking, career development, competitions, and more, check out the award-winning PHS FBLA chapter web site


Here's a list of some of the things that will help you succeed:

  • A single-subject notebook (or a dedicated section of a multi-section notebook) and a folder for handouts and such.
  • A Google Account. FREE. Some assignments are shared Google docs. Once you have an account, you have access to Gmail and Google Drive automatically.
  • An understanding of how Google Drive works. You may store files on the school network but to access them you MUST be on a school computer; Google Drive is accessible from almost anywhere, including your smart phone. 
  • A blue or black pen daily. Because that's what's expected/required in business. Other colors will not be accepted for submitted/graded work (pencil may be accepted in some situations as announced in class). Seriously. That said, what you use in your notes is up to you. Highlighters are a good idea, too.
  • A good attitude. Be a positive presence in class.
  • Desire and commitment to learn. 'nuff said.
  • Ask Questions. The more you ask and answer, the more engaged you'll be and the more you'll learn. If you sit passively, it doesn't work nearly as well.
  • Be Punctual. Coming to school regularly, arriving to class on time, being ready to learn without constant reminders to put your phone and earbuds away and to take out notes, and submitting work/assignments on time are essential to your success.
  • Stay Alert. If you are so sleep-deprived you cannot keep your head off your desk, you won't learn and the nurse/
    security/Dean may be summoned to confirm you are not ill (or worse).
  • Stay Focused. Unless you are using it for something that is DIRECTLY related to what we're doing in class, PUT THE PHONE AWAY. Please. And if I answer the door or take a breath, that's not a green light to check your texts.


Assignments, due dates, and other important information will be shared in a variety of ways.


This Web Site

This site is generally updated a few times a week. Features and benefits of using this site and checking it regularly include:

  • Available 24/7. Anytime you want or need information
  • Cross-Platform. Works on computers, smart phones, tablets, etc.
  • Assignments. Forgot to write something down? Forgot when something is due? Can't reach your "study buddy"? Just check here.
  • Family access. Parents/families can see what students are working on - no ID/password required!
  • Resources. In addition to what you find on your own, many useful class/career/life resources are posted/shared here. Find something good? Let me know and I'll note that you supplied it!
  • Handouts. Whenever possible, electronic (PDF) copies of handouts will be posted here, just in case you misplace it.
  • Absences. If you're out, for whatever reason, you can see what you missed so you don't fall behind. If you ask "Did you do anything while I was out?" be prepared for the answer.
  • Green! Electronic saves paper!


  • At this time, Schoology is used primarily for projects in Personal Finance (subject to change). Submission is easy, timestamped, and paper-free.
  • Get the Android app here.
  • Get the iOS app here.
  • Your Schoology login ID and password are the same ones you use on school computers (NEVER change your password via Schoology; always do that on a school computer).
  • Be sure to turn notifications on and make them persistent (iOS, Android).


  • Get the app here.
  • Instructions on how to sign up for your class correctly will be part of the first assignment you receive in the course and will be on that course's Assignments page.
  • Used for assignment Reminders and other communications. 
  • Be sure to turn notifications on and make them persistent (iOS, Android).


Questions? Suggestions? Free advice? See me or email me (link on right side of this page). 




Note-taking: old-fashioned writing vs using an electronic device:
NPR article (PDF); original link, with audio, is here




Full-Year Courses:

  4 marking periods @ 22% each + 1 final exam @ 12% = 100%

Semester Courses:

  2 marking periods @ 44% each + 1 final exam @ 12% = 100%


Not a weighted average guru? Here's a Google Sheet that will do the work for you - just save it to your own Google drive and enter your scores. Guess-Check-Revise your final exam grade to see "what if." Most of you are safe, but some will need an extraordinary final exam score to pass the course.


NOTE: If things are dicey or you have questions, see your teacher IMMEDIATELY. Do not expect, after finals are done, to be given a "magic extra-credit packet" to fix your problem that was months in the making. Don't be this guy:


REMINDER: The final exam or final marking period of a course does NOT have a minimum grade: you get what you earn.


Updated 24Oct2018


  • Most days before school (7:00 - 7:10) in room D215 
  • After school (2:00 - 3:00) on Mondays and Wednesdays
    in room D215


Please confirm via Remind or email. While I endeavor to minimize my absences, on occasion, I have personal commitments (e.g., doctor appointment, family matters) to attend and these will supersede extra help/makeups.


Strongly Recommended

Students (not parents/guardians) should make arrangements for extra help/makeups.



  • When you are out you should contact each of your teachers and not simply re-appear and say "what'd I miss?"
  • Not remembering we had a test will not buy you extra time.
  • Page 26 of the Student Handbook will be the ultimate guide to make-up scheduling unless you negotiate otherwise, with me, directly, in advance.
  • Work, sports, social functions, poor memory, etc., are not valid excuses for extra time.
  • If no new material was taught during your absence, you are expected to complete assessments the day you return.


Be Proactive

  • Thoroughly read and follow my Success Page before seeking help.
  • Ask yourself: Have you exhausted all resources (Econ and Personal Finance) provided?
  • Students should seek extra help as soon as they realize it's needed - sometimes a 3-minute conversation can clear something up (and sometimes much more is needed).
  • Bring a list of what you've tried on your own, and what is "working" and "not working" (i.e., "I just dont' get it" is to general).
  • Chapter/unit material will not be re-taught material 5 minutes before a test; at this point, it's too late.